lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Vissen op Fuerteventura

Ga naar en vind echt alles over het leven, culinaire tentjes en resturants, uitgaan, vakantie, genieten, geschiedenis, maar ook de bevolking en de natuur op dit unieke eiland van de Canarische Eilanden

De buitengewone geografische ligging, het subtropisch klimaat en de stromingen van de Atlantische Oceaan zorgen ervoor dat het zeevissen op Fuerteventura zeer aantrekkelijk is. Het maritiem biotoop wordt gevormd door een overvloed aan sedentaire vissoorten en migrerende vissoorten. De mogelijkheden voor het vissen op Fuerteventura zijn enorm: Big Game, Marlijn vissen, jigging, spinvissen, tonijn vissen, slepend vissen. De kans dat je hier de vis van je leven vangt is dan ook niet klein!

Big Game Vissen op Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura staat wereldwijd bekend voor het big game vissen, het tonijn vissen en vooral voor het marlijn vissen. Op zeer korte afstand van de haven zijn er al grote dieptes die perfect zijn voor het big game vissen. Meestal wordt het aas net na het verlaten van de haven al te water gelaten!

De Blue Marlijn (Blauwe Marlijn) staat bij elke sportvisser bovenaan z'n verlanglijstje. Deze geweldige roofvis, die meer dan 600kg zwaar kan worden, bezoekt Fuerteventura van Juni tot November. Daarna verlaat hij de Canarische Eilanden en trekt zuidwaards om het jaar daarop terug te komen., het overzicht en startpunt voor je reis naar Fuerteventura. Ga je niet op reis, bekijk dan eens wat dit eiland je te bieden heeft

Met het slepend vissen met licht materiaal (20 - 30lb vismateriaal) en kleinere pluggen of levend aas, kan je ook schitterende vistrips meemaken. Naar gelang de tijd van het jaar en het seizoen kan er bijvoorbeeld op schitterende sportvissen gevist worden zoals bonito, sierra, pargo, barracuda, sama, amberjack, tonijn, bluefish, mahi-mahi, enz gevist worden.

Meer informatie over het vissen op Fuerteventura

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Морская рыбалка в Испании

«Ловись рыбка - большая и маленькая…»

Коста Дорада и, в частности, залив Сан Джорди между мысом Салоу и дельтой реки Эбро считается одним из самых лучших мест для рыбной ловли на всем Средиземноморском побережье.
В последние годы большой популярностью стали пользоваться услуги местных компаний, предлагающих заядлым рыбакам или просто туристам, решившим попытать свое счастье с удочкой, короткие вылазки в море. Рыбу здесь можно ловить как недалеко от берега в живописных бухтах, до которых проблематично добраться с суши, так и выехать в открытое море на 20 – 40 миль от берега. Каждый из вариантов предполагает тот или иной способ ловли, где и начинается работа специалистов.

Ловля на тунца возможна начиная с апреля, когда тунец проходит через Гибралтарский пролив для нереста в Средиземном море. Средняя глубина здешних вод составляет 800-1000 метров. Чистейшая вода и перепады температуры привлекают множество мелкой рыбешки, служащей наживкой для таких хищников, как рыба-меч, голубой и желтоперый тунец. Эти виды хорошо ловятся на блесну.
В первые месяцы весны попадаются на крючок рыбки от 10 до 30 кг, в летние же месяцы картина меняется, и можно поймать тунца весом 200, 300 и даже 400 килограмм.
Для тех, кому идея удаления от берега не совсем по душе, есть возможность заняться ловлей в непосредственной близости от берега - на блесну или искусственную приманку в виде более мелкой рыбы, такой как: скумбрия, макрель, ставрида, малый тунец (бонито), морская щука (барракуда), голубая рыба и желтохвост.
Крупную рыбу тоже можно ловить недалеко от берега. В этом случае на катере выключается мотор, и шкипер потихоньку начинает выкидывать за борт мелкую рыбешку в качестве приманки. Остается сидеть и ждать, пока приплывут такие красавцы, как голубые тунцы. Иногда результат бывают очень впечатляющими.

Цены на экскурсии и более подробное описание услуг для организованной рыбалки вы можете посмотреть на сайте

Вот телефон одного из организаторов
+34 651 377 316
Его зовут Томас, он бельгиец и немножко говорит по-русски.
В цену за экскурсию включено:
Аренда судна со шкипером

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Why don't we go Fishing in Cambrils today?

Without any doubt, the Golfo de Sant Jordi – the gulf between the Cape of Salou and the Ebro Delta – is one of the best fishing areas in the Spanish Mediterranean. You can go inshore trolling in the natural reserve of the Ebro Delta, you can discover the hidden bays and white beaches with your private luxury yacht or maybe you want to go tuna fishing… We organize unforgettable half day and full day fishing tours from Cambrils. Book a boat with your family and friends and enjoy the Mediterranean Sea from the other side!

Where are we?

We are based in the small village of Cambrils situated in Southern Catalonia, Spain. This village has a long marine history with a relaxed Mediterranean ambiance, where every angler will feel at home. Cambrils is one of the few coastal towns that have succeeded in maintaining its pueblo charm and character. Notwithstanding, all the tourist facilities are here, including hotels, restaurants, leisure and cultural activities and shops.
Big Game Off Shore Fishing
April marks the start of tuna fishing off the coast of Costa Dorada. Tuna pass the Strait of Gibraltar to spawn in the Mediterranean Sea. We fish off shore, about 20 to 40 miles from the marina of Cambrils. These areas have a depth of 800 to 1000 meters with interesting undersea structures, weed lines, clean water and temperature breaks that attract plenty of baitfish. These waters provide plenty of predators like bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, swordfish, etc

During the early months there’s trolling for smaller tuna (about 10 – 30 kg) but towards the summer months the bigger fish start to bite. This is when the huge bluefin tuna of 200kg, 300kg and even 400kg can be landed.

Inshore Trolling

For those who don’t want to go too far away from the coast, there’s inshore trolling. Generally spoken we troll with small lures to catch mackerel, horse mackerel, bonito, barracuda and others. With bigger artificial bait and with life bait (squid, octopus or small barracuda) we chase palometon, bluefish and amberjack. Good months for fishing cambrils are July, august and September.


Chumming or chunking is a fishing technique that works very well during the summer months. We let the boat drift and we attract the game fish (especially tuna) by constantly baiting with sardines, mackerel and other small baitfish. This technique is very successful to catch giant bluefin tuna. In our area we catch them at a few miles from Cambrils. You don’t have to go that far away to catch the bluefin tuna of your dreams!

The boats

1) Tiara 3500 – 11m, 2 x 350 HP, max. 8 persons – from 720 Euros
The price includes the captain, diesel, fishing tackle, bait and lures, insurance, licenses, tax
David Bono is the skipper of this great boat. He has a vast experience in these type of boats and, for example, classified second in the Catalonian Fishing Contest in 2008.

2) Altair 850 – 8,5m, 200 HP, max. 4 persons – from 335 Euros
The price includes the captain, diesel, fishing tackle, bait and lures, insurance, licenses, tax
Miguel Sánchez, is the captain of the Altair 8,5m and fishing guide of both boats. He’s an absolute fishing expert and knows all the tricks, hidden spots, etc. He won the Catalonian Championship Inshore Trolling, the Guasch Fishing Contest (twice) and the Catalonian Sea Fishing Contest.

Both participated, as guide and skipper from the “Il•lusió” in the “World Big Game Trolling Championship Clubs” of Javea in 2008. They were in charge of two French teams and an Italian team.

Nobody can guarantee the catches, but with these two guys you will have the best chances to enjoy a perfect day fishing with many catches…

more information on

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Pêche au gros à Cambrils, Espagne


Mes devoirs de vacances ne sont toujours pas fait. :
3 jours de peche : destination la Catalogne en Espagne.
-- Appel téléphonique de mon cousin, Patrick Bachelier, pisciculteur dans l’Aube : Une nouvelle organisation de peche aux gros s’est installée à Cambrils près de L’Hospitalet de l’Infant : il y a beaucoup de thons, à 4 à 5 miles des cotes par 40 à 50 metres de fond…..

Big Game fishing en Espagne

--Quelques minutes d’hésitation et mon billet d’avion pour REUS/BARCELONE est pris sur RIANAIR.
--Au programme, des 3 jours : visite et peche dans le Delta de l’Ebre, peche à la traine, et broumé (pêche au gros)
--Sauvage et magique, ce delta est magnifique et me rappelle notre Camargue, sans les chevaux ;quelques tassergals et bars.
--Le 2è jour nous passons aux choses sérieuses :Le Rodman 1040, équipé en 130 avec moulinets Eyverol ,a chargé 5 à 6 caisses de sardines et le fameux broumé dont chaque pecheur a le secret…. !
Règlementation oblige : nous sommes, comme en France, autorisés a ramener un seul thon de plus de 30 Kilos, et devons le déclarer aux autorités à l’arrivée au port.Je n’ai pas entendu parler de quota et
d’attribution de bagues comme en France…. !
Nous pechons ici en dérive à 4 à 5 miles des cotes par 45 metres de fond ce qui est un gros avantage.
Nous avons 4 tags pour les relaches ; 2 à 3 visites au sondeur en matinée puis plus rien jusqu’au départ de 15h .
Bateau équipé de 2 sièges : un à l’arrière et l’autre à l’avant du bateau mais sans calles pieds….Combat donc à l’avant du bateau et sans baudrier…..( Le skipper y a remédié le lendemain )
Au bout 1h30 je passe à l’arrière du bateau pour le final… mais au bout d’un quart d’heure je constate que mon poisson est mort au fond ; heureusement nous sommes sur des fonds de 45 metres et il nous a fallu
près de 25 minutes, à trois, 20 cm par 20 cm ,pour voir arriver ce magnifique thon qui affichera plus tard 267 Kilos sur la balance pour 2,62 metres de long et 1,70 de tour de taille ;mon record à ce jour.
Le précedent étant de 220 kg sur l’Hatteras de Robert Etienne en 1992…..
Après 2H10 de combat, nous rentrons au port déclarer notre prise aux autorités du cercle nautique de Cambrils qui nous autorise la découpe de ce thon pour la satis faction des nombreux amis du skipper.
--Le 3è jour nous avions décidé de pecher à la traine sur les meme lieux : 1 décroché, 1 casse ,1 thon de 12 kg relaché ; mais quel festival…..entre 8h et 12h sur des fonds de 67 metres ; 4h de folie sur des
hectares avec des milliers de thons rouges entre 10 et 40 Kgs, avec des moments ou ils étaient à 10 metres du bateau….Mais il faut etre équipé de poppers ou de vifs si on veut des résultats.
L’avenir j’espère en Méditerranée est assuré….si nous respectons la règlementation, et que la majorité des professionnels se reconvertissent….

Organisation :
Thomas Komen
Despacho 14.C/Rivera Sans, n°5. 43890 L’Hospitalet de l’Infant (Tarragona)
+34 651 377 316 -

Equipage du Rodman 1040 :Skipper Antonio et Stephane"


jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Sport fishing boats and Cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar

Game fishing for Tuna - Fishing charter in Spain - is an issue of concern because of direct injuries from the hooks pulled behind the boats. On some occasions these injuries are caused by disrespect for cetaceans, by boats that cross their swimming direction or that drive into groups of cetaceans, even as they swim beside whale watching boats. One reason is that some believe the tuna swim underneath the dolphins. This might be true in the Pacific Ocean, but it’s not in the Strait of Gibraltar. The migration of tuna between the Atlantic and Mediterranean is not related to the permanent presence of cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar.
The following photos show injuries caused by fishing gear. Some of them may have been caused by illegal drift nets, but most have been infringed by the lines pulled by private tuna game-fishing boats. When the line starts to cut from the trailing edge of the dorsal fin and the whale eventually dives, only a small front portion of the dorsal fin is saved. We observe most of the fresh injuries during the tuna fishing season, when up to 40 sport boats can be seen at once in the Strait.

Whale watching
In 2007 whale watching guidelines were implemented in Spain, but some captains have not lost there old habits. They argue that the whales are habituated to ship traffic and can be approached without much disturbance, but it makes a great difference if a big vessel crosses straight or if a boat follows the whales, disrupting their natural behaviour for a longer period of time. It is even worse when one boat calls the other by radio, causing a continuous presence at one group of animals. The following photos show a Pilot Whale with a deep cut from a propeller, caused by a stopped boat (since a driving boat would have caused multiple cuts). Unfortunately it cannot be excluded that it was originated by the propeller of a whale watching boat.

Mitigation Measures
In order to protect and conserve the cetaceans of the Strait of Gibraltar fishing, the stress factors described should be reduced as much as possible.
Private boats: They should be informed of the different kind of correlation that exists between the presence of dolphins and tuna in The Strait and in the Pacific Ocean. They should also comply with whale watching regulations.
Whale watching: Compliance with whale watching regulations should be improved (see summary of regulations below)

REAL DECRETO 1727/2007, de 21 de diciembre, por el que se establecen medidas de protección de los cetáceos.
1. General code of conduct while observing cetaceans inside the previously defined mobile protection space:
A. It is prohibited to use sonar systems to detect cetaceans or to push them to the surface.
B. Ships must move at constant speed of 4 kn. or as slow as the slowest animal in the group, but not inside the “prohibited zone”, where a different code of conduct specified at section 2 of this appendix must be applied. Once finished, the ships must continue at that constant speed until having left the mobile protection space.
C. The approach must be done converging slowly from one side at an angle of 30º to their swimming direction, never from the front, from behind nor perpendicular to their trajectory. While observing the cetaceans the ship must navigate parallel, without sudden changes of speed and direction.
D. Boats approaching simultaneously must coordinate it by radio, in order to reduce the disturbance as much as possible.
E. If the engine was stopped and is started again, it must be kept at empty running for at least 1 minute. Every change of the revolutions of the engine must be done smoothly.
F. Driving backwards is only allowed to avoid collisions with other ships or cetaceans.
G. Never drive in circles around the cetaceans.
H. If cetaceans approach diving people, the latter must avoid interacting with them and leave the area as soon as possible safety allows.
2. General code of conduct while observing cetaceans inside the different sections of the previously defined mobile protection space.
In the Prohibited Zone:
A. Permission to navigate only under emergency circumstances.
B. If cetaceans emerge suddenly at less than 60 m from the boat, the propeller must be stopped.
C. As long as animals remain at less then 60 m from the boat, the propeller must remain stopped and can only be reengaged some minutes after departure of the animals. The navigations must be started smoothly, taking especial care in making sure no animals hang about the propeller.
D. If the emerging animals are dolphins or porpoises, it is allowed to continue with constant prudent speed, maintaining the initial speed.
E. Sonar must stay switched off.
In the Zone of temporary stop only:
A. Prohibited if lonely calf-adult pairs or lonely calves are present.
B. A maximum of two ships are allowed at once.
In the zone of special care:
A maximum of two ships are allowed to stay waiting if two other ships are already inside the Zone of Temporary Stop and they have to wait until the first arrivers leave. Ships must coordinate movements through radio.
In the Aerial Zone:
It is prohibited to stay.
In the Submarine Zone:
It is prohibited to stay.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Charter Fishing Boat Denia

Located in the northern part of the province of Alicante, touching the border of the province of Valencia, Dénia is one of the best sites for fishing in Alicante. Its location, next to Cabo de San Antonio and across from the Balearic Islands, make the waters of Denia in a privileged place for big game fishing, trolling and deep sea fishing. Denia is ideal for family vacations because it offers beach, mountain, quality hotels, bars and restaurants, many shops and ... great fishing! We offer fishing trips with a spectacular 13.6 meter boat called the Dunna. It is a new yacht with plenty of room, comfortable and well equipped. Climb aboard and relax ...

Fishing in Denia, Alicante

The 450 kilometers of coastline that separate Vinaros from Torrevieja offer so much to fish. However, the epicenter of fishing in Valencia is Cabo San Antonio. The respective fishing ports of Denia and Javea are strategically placed for big game fishing, deep sea fishing, sport fishing and deep sea trolling. The great advantage that these ports have is that the fishing grounds are close by.

Passing through the Ibiza Channel is mandatory for the large predators like the bluefin tuna and the albacore that go to spawn around the Balearic Islands and the Leon Gulf. The respective ports of Jávea and Denia are strategically well-located for big game fishing, since only 20 miles from the coast, you can find depths of 1000 meters. To give you a better idea: from Alicante we have to sail about 40 miles to find depths of 1,000 meters. The best months for fishing are June, July and August.

Charter Fishing Boat Javea

Charter Fishing Boat in Malaga, Costa del Sol

In our search for the best fishing charter on the Costa del Sol, we drove along the coast, passing through the ports of Malaga, Benalmádena, Fuengirola, Marbella, Puerto Banus, Estepona, Sotogrande, etc ... We already knew dozens of fishing charters at these ports, but we wanted to ask people which one they would recommend to charter a fishing trip, again and again we were recommended the same person: Oscar. They already spoke highly of him in the nautical fair of Barcelona, but when we met him in person and there was no doubt: he was the best.

Fishing in Malaga

Puerto Banus is located just 15 minutes by boat to the best fishing areas around Malaga. While the seabed off the coast of Benalmadena is mainly sandy, here in Puerto Banus there are a wide range of rock formations, ridges and wrecks. For example, less than two miles from the port is an area called "Las Bóvedas", where the seabed rises from 70 meters to only 19 meters. Clearly these seamounts generate tremendous currents and attract a lot of fish. In addition, only 20 miles away is the Strait of Gibraltar, a real nursery, which feeds the area with large predators such as the pink dentex, amberjack or grouper...
Banús is just outside the "funnel" in the Strait of Gibraltar, which does not suffer the harsh weather of the Strait. Many are the days when the weather prevents fishing in the Strait, but there are no problems in the area of Banús.